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gpsfaq.com website is safe to use
We always check for ways to improve communication with our readers and today we would like to let you know that google.com considers our website to be safe to use. We are glad with that ranking as we try hard to ensure that no harmful software ever provided by our website.

You can see google.com safe ranking of our site at google.com website


Posted On: 09/30/2011
Label: Website

Norton Safeweb gives us safe rating
We always try to prove that our site is well designed as not to allow hackers to break into our database and steal our website user's information. We also submit our website link to the security firms such as McAfee and Norton asking them to check our website for any vulnerability or security holes and then report back to you, our website readers.

We are glad to report that we received Safe rating from Norton and you can be rest assured we'll be working hard to keeping this rating so that you can feel good about your privacy and security while using our website.

Posted On: 05/12/2010
Label: Website

We are on Yahoo Pipes for GPS related information
We just created new pipe on yahoo.com which can be found here GPS YAHOO PIPE This pipe allows all yahoo.com users to subscribe to our feeds on yahoo.com pipes and read about GPS Reviews, rate GPS navigators as well as compare GPS devices all on our website.

We are planning to add more feeds and other types of pipes for the site such as forum feeds, news feeds and etc... by subscribing to our pipe you will be up to date with everything that relates to GPS.

Posted On: 04/02/2010
Label: Website

GPS FAQ getting good reviews from MakeUseOf.com
We just saw that website called Make Use Of added very nice review about our website. We are excited to know that people find out site useful and let other people to know about it... If you have a story about our site on your pages and would like us to mention you in our blog please let us know your links about our site and we'll galdly blog about you as well...

For now, please check out this review from MakeUseOf.com website at http://www.makeuseof.com/dir/gps-faq-compare-gps-device

Posted On: 03/14/2010
Label: Website

GPSFAQ.com is part of Jigsaw and Spoke websites
We are part of expanding network of sites on Jigsaw portal. This site is useful for many reasons. You can browse company directory, see company wiki with more recent content that company publishes on their wiki.

GPS FAQ Jigsaw account

Use this link to add us to your Jigsaw account and we'll be glad to add you to our own network of businesses.

We also part of another Business Site called Spoke andyou can see our profile on this site as well.

View GPSFSQ.com Profile at Spoke

Posted On: 02/02/2009
Label: Website

Our site is certified as being safe by McAfee SiteAdvisor
We are pleased to tell you our readers that our website is totaly safe for usage. We have been checked by McAfee SiteAdvisor for adware, spam, scams, and e-mail practices and McAfee SiteAdvisor certified our site as being safe for usage. It means that we don't have adware, spam, scams, and e-mail practices as part of our site. You can see entire report on McAfee website called SiteAdvisor

In general, it is important to know if website that you browse is safe for browsing. This is especially important if you don't have Anti-virus protection enabled on your computer. We are glad that our site is being tested daily for adware, spam, scams and email practices and intend on keeping our site safe and user friendly.

Posted On: 01/06/2009
Label: Website

Search our blog on google.com blog search
We are officially part of Google Blog search and if you need to search within our Blog you may do so now.
Posted On: 12/17/2008
Label: Website

gpsfaq.com is compliant with McAfee Internet Security Suite
We are pleased to report that our site is Safe. McAfee ran a test against our site and found no bugs or security risks with using our site so our readers be assured you and you privacy is safe when you read our website.

Check our detailed website analysis done by McAfee: http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/gpsfaq.com

Posted On: 12/08/2008
Label: Website

Find out about GPS on LinkedIn or Jigsaw
I was trying to figure out the benefit of being part of LinkedIn social network, but instead of figuring it out I wanted to try it and see if there is really any benefit at all for being linkedin into the community of business professionals like myself.

Here my GPS LinkedIn or Jigsaw account and if any one interested in linking up with me, you are very welcome as long as you have to do something with GPS technologies.

I also created LinkedIn group where we can communicate using familiar interface if you are LinkedIn user. Please Join my LinkedIn Group for GPS FAQ.

Posted On: 10/28/2008
Label: Website

GPS on Joost
We started on another social network site called Joost and we are very much glad that social network is now part of our life.

For the past several days we have been setting up our social network presence across many different web 2.0 networks and sure with the wealth of information and expert opinion on everything GPS will be able to contribute to the society.

Visit us at Joost and become our friend.

Posted On: 10/24/2008
Label: Website

Blogging online experience
It has been only one week but I am already into Blogging. It is very contagious task. More I read about it, more I want to explore it and use it.

For instance, I found out that in order to become a popular blogger you need to make sure that your blog can be easily added to many sites that ptomote blogging. Here is just a short list of such sites that I want to share.

There is another way of blogging which is hosting your blog away from your site. I agree that for many people this is a good option, but why would I have something like Twitter Blog if I can have my own on my site.
Posted On: 10/13/2008
Label: Website

GPS Blog is open to public
In our attempt to connect with our website readers, we decided to open up new section of the site which is blog.gpsfaq.com. We'll be posting about many good things that happen to our website and will try to keep this communication open both ways.
Posted On: 09/27/2008
Label: Website

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