  Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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TomTom XXL 540S review  
It has been always a challenge to get all the important maps on GPS device especially if you travel abroad. It was very good for GPS producing companies to charge customer for any additional maps that are being installed on their GPS devices. However, this approach is changing with the arrival of new TomTom GPS model called XXL 540S. This device comes pre-loaded with all the important GPS maps for three major regions: USA, Canada, and Europe.

This was possible to better pricing for the hardware, more specifically memory cost. TomTom XXL 540S comes with 4GB Hard Drive that allows to held as much information as required for all the available charts.

TomTom XXL 540S will be available in stores earlier next year but may hit store shelves as soon as December before Christmas arrives and I would be looking for it.

I am planning to add to this device to our TomTom Review Section covering all of the TomTom GPS devices

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